Avatar Gallery


The standard installation of Kunena does not install any images into the folder ../media/kunena/avatars/gallery/. With earlier versions of Kunena this folder was populated a few images but, because of the possibility that some of these images may be protected by copyright, the installation procedure does not install images for you; it is your responsibility to populate this folder with images of your own choice and to defend claims made by copyright owners if you use images that may not be your own designs or otherwise “free to use”. You may add images to this default gallery by copying files to the folder ../media/kunena/avatars/gallery/. You can also create other galleries, in addition to the default one.

Creating other avatar galleries

To create a new avatar gallery, create a new subfolder in ../media/kunena/avatars/gallery/ When you have added a new avatar gallery the additional selection option will appear.

What happens to my users’ avatars if I delete all the files in the avatar gallery?

If you delete all the files in the avatar gallery, forum users who used them will have their avatar replaced by the default “no avatar” image. Your forum will continue to function without any other problems.

What happens to my users’ avatars when I upgrade?

Nothing happens. The upgrade procedure does not contain any files in the avatar gallery and therefore it will not change the contents of any files that you already have in your current avatar gallery; the upgrade does not delete any files in this folder, either. Therefore, any avatar images that your users selected before the upgrade will continue to appear with messages posted by your users.

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